What is the difference between S31803 and S32760?

S31803 and S32760 both share a duplex microstructure, which means they are produced with a balance of austenitic and ferritic grains. This means that duplex stainless steels combine physical and mechanical properties of both, making them an attractive and cost-effective proposition. However, S32760 is more highly alloyed than S31803, having a chromium content of 25% rather than 22%. This means that S32760 has approximately twice the strength of S31803 and appreciably higher corrosion resistance.

Austenitic stainless steels generally provide excellent corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties over a wide range of operating temperatures, including low temperature toughness, and are non-magnetic. Ferritic stainless steels are generally of lower corrosion resistance, and lower cost, but do resist stress corrosion cracking. Duplex stainless steels combine many of these properties to achieve high strength and excellent corrosion resistance, remain highly cost-effective and still resist stress corrosion cracking.

Langley Alloys stocks S31803 (DIN 1.4462, ASTM A182 F51) from 5/8” (15.87mm) up to 450mm diameter solid bars, plus plate up to 3” (76.2mm) thick, pipes in scheduled sizes, hollow bars, flanges and fittings.

Langley Alloys stocks S32760 (DIN 1.4501, ASTM A182 F55) solid bars in sizes from 5/8” to 20” (15.87-508mm) diameter, plate up to 3” (76.2mm) thick, plus pipes in scheduled sizes, fittings and flanges.


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